Below is a series of Podcasts with Henry Woodcock interviewing Juanita – titled

Healing Pathways: Navigating Transformation with Juanita

These Q&A style podcasts give insight into the energetic influences that negatively effect peoples lives today. Influences such as childhood experiences, trauma, as well as soul wound residues from past lives, ancestors and spirit attachments. Juanita shares case examples, talks about various approaches such as Deep Memory Process (regression therapy), shamanic practices, ancestral work, inner child work, and ceremonies that can help heal these wounds.

The image below has a link which takes you to Spotify where the podcasts are located. New episodes published weekly, and the series is also available on most podcast platforms including Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, and Pocket Casts

  • Episode 1) Introduction to what led Juanita from Energy Gateways to work in this particular field.

  • Episode 2) Juanita shares what issues clients bring to sessions.

  • Episode 3) Juanita talks about ‘Inner Child work and Dissociation’

  • Episode 4 ) Juanita outlines the meaning of ‘Soul Wounds 
  • Episode 5 ) Juanita gives examples of influences from Ancestors and Past Lives
  • Episode 6 ) Juanita shares about the importance of ‘Energy Blessings and Gratitude’
  • Episode 7 ) Juanita outlines What are Spirit Attachments?
  • Episode 8 ) Juanita shares all about sessions and what to expect.
Music: Future Technology by MaxKoMusic |
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